Driver Print Setting

About Driver Print Setting

This screen is displayed if you select Driver Print Setting in the Controller Machine Setting Menu screen. For details about how to display the Controller Machine Setting Menu screen, refer to Overview of Controller.



Convert Paper Size

When the specified paper is not set, specifies the Convert Page Size.

Page Number Insertion Sheet

Specifies whether to count a cover, separator or white sheet in the stamped page number.

Number of Tabs

Specifies a number of tabs. This setting applies only when printing with the PPD driver.

Paper Size

Specify whether to match the paper size with the original or the specified tray size.

Duplication of Form Name

Specify whether to overwrite or separately store the forms of the same name when registering forms of the PS Plug-in driver.

Image Shift

Specifies the distance of image shift. The right shift and lower shift can be specified respectively for Front and Back.

Perfect Bind Spine Width

Sets the width of a spine. This setting applies only when printing with the PPD driver.

Convert Paper Size

This screen is displayed if you select Driver Print Setting - Convert Paper Size in the Controller Machine Setting Menu screen. For details about how to display the Controller Machine Setting Menu screen, refer to Overview of Controller.



Convert Paper Size

Specifies the converting paper size when the paper size that is specified by the printer driver is unavailable in the tray.

  • Selects Off, 8.511/1117 to A4/A3, or A4/A3 to 8.511/1117.

  • 8.511/1117 to A4/A3 converts 8.5 11 into A4 or 11 17 into A3, A4/A3 to 8.511/1117 converts A4 into 8.5 11 or A3 into 11 17.

Page Number Insertion Sheet

This screen is displayed if you select Driver Print Setting - Page Number Insert Sheet in the Controller Machine Setting Menu screen. For details about how to display the Controller Machine Setting Menu screen, refer to Overview of Controller.



Page Number Insert Sheet

Specifies whether to count a cover, separator or white sheet in the stamped page number.

Example) If Page 1, Page 2, a white sheet, Page 3, and Page 4 are output:
The page number is as follows:
Count: 1, 2, -, 4, 5
No Count: 1, 2, -, 3, 4

  • Count, No Count

Number of Tabs

This screen is displayed if you select Driver Print Setting - Number of Tabs in the Controller Machine Setting Menu screen. For details about how to display the Controller Machine Setting Menu screen, refer to Overview of Controller.



Number of Tabs

Specifies a number of tabs. This setting applies only when printing with the PPD driver.

  • You have to specify it between 1 and 15.

Paper Size

This screen is displayed if you select Driver Print Setting - Paper Size in the Controller Machine Setting Menu screen. For details about how to display the Controller Machine Setting Menu screen, refer to Overview of Controller.



Paper Size

Specify whether to match the paper size with the original or the specified tray size.

  • Specify the desired one from Original Size and Specified Tray.

Duplication of Form Name

This screen is displayed if you select Driver Print Setting - Duplication of Form Name in the Controller Machine Setting Menu screen. For details about how to display the Controller Machine Setting Menu screen, refer to Overview of Controller.



Duplication of Form Name

If a form with the same name has already been registered when you try to register a form in the PS Plug-in driver, the registered form must be deleted before registering new one.

Specify Overwrite to save the new form by overwriting. This skips the process of deleting the old form.

For details about Form, refer to [Forms] Screen.

Image Shift

This screen is displayed if you select Driver Print Setting - Image Shift in the Controller Machine Setting Menu screen. For details about how to display the Controller Machine Setting Menu screen, refer to Overview of Controller.



Image Shift

Specifies the distance of image shift. You can specify the shift distances to the right and to the bottom for each of front and back.

  • Press the desired item key, and use the numeric keypad on the screen to enter a value.

  • It can be set from -250 mm to 250 mm.

Perfect Bind Spine Width

This screen is displayed if you select Driver Print Setting - Perfect Bind Spine Width in the Controller Machine Setting Menu screen. For details about how to display the Controller Machine Setting Menu screen, refer to Overview of Controller.



Perfect Bind Spine Width

Specifies the spine width when printing a perfect-bound booklet. This setting applies only when printing with the PPD driver.

  • It can be set from 1.0 mm to 30.0 mm.