Detail Settings

Menu Item/Description

Setting value (: Default)

Device Setting

Check the MAC address of this machine, and set the network speed.

MAC Address

LLTD Setting

Select whether to use LLTD (Link Layer Topology Discovery).

Using LLTD displays this machine on the network map in a Windows computer of Windows 7 or later (Windows 7/8.1/10/Server 2008/Server 2008 R2/Server 2012/Server 2012 R2).

Enable, Disable

Network Speed

Auto (10M/100Mbps), Auto (10M/100M/1Gbps), 10Mbps Half Duplex, 10Mbps Full Duplex, 100Mbps Half Duplex, 100Mbps Full Duplex, 1Gbps Full Duplex

Time Adjustment Setting

Configure the settings to automatically adjust the date and time of this machine, using the NTP (Network Protocol Server).


Auto IPv6 Retrieval


NTP Server Setting

Input Host Name

Up to 253 one-byte characters can be used. * 1

IPv4 Address Input

(0 to 255).(0 to 255).(0 to 255).(0 to 255) (Default:

IPv6 Address Input

1-39 bytes (Default: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0)

Port Number

1 to 65535 (Default: 123)

Set Date

Auto Time Adjustment


Polling Interval

1 to 240 (hours) (Default: 24)

Status Notification Setting

Configure this setting to send a notification to the specified destination when an alert such as paper jam is issued by this machine.

Register Notification Address - IP Addresses 1 to IP Address 5


Host Address

Input Host Name

Up to 253 one-byte characters can be used. * 1

IPv4 Address Input

(0 to 255).(0 to 255).(0 to 255).(0 to 255) (Default:

IPv6 Address Input

1-39 bytes (Default: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0)

Port Number

1 to 65535 (Default: 162)

Community Name


Up to 15 one-byte characters can be used.

Notification Items


Service Call, Paper JAM, Replenish Paper Tray, Replenish Toner, PM Call, Replace Staples, Finisher Tray Full, Empty Hole-Punch Scrap Box, Empty Trim Scrap Box, Glue Pellet Supply, Exchange Trim Receiver, Waste Toner Box Full, Empty Staple Scrap Box, Bind Parts Supply, HDD (Pre-RIP/Form/Scan Data) Almost Full, HDD (Copy/RIPed Data) Almost Full

Register Notification Address - E-mail 1 to E-mail 5


Edit E-Mail Address

Up to 256 one-byte characters can be used.

Notification Items


Service Call, Paper JAM, Replenish Paper Tray, Replenish Toner, PM Call, Replace Staples, Finisher Tray Full, Empty Hole-Punch Scrap Box, Empty Trim Scrap Box, Glue Pellet Supply, Exchange Trim Receiver, Waste Toner Box Full, Empty Staple Scrap Box, Bind Parts Supply, HDD (Pre-RIP/Form/Scan Data) Almost Full, HDD (Copy/RIPed Data) Almost Full

PING Confirmation

Check the connection between this machine and a destination device by using the ping function.

PING TX Address

Input Host Name

Up to 253 one-byte characters can be used. * 1

IPv4 Address Input

(0 to 255).(0 to 255).(0 to 255).(0 to 255) (Default:

IPv6 Address Input

1-39 bytes (Default: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0)

Check Connection

SLP Setting

Configure this setting to enable the Service Location Protocol (SLP), and to control this machine by the TWAIN driver via the network.

Enable, Disable

LPD Setting

Enable the Line Printer Daemon (LPD) to allow LPR (LPD) printing.

Enable, Disable

Certificate Verifi. Set.

Specify to validate the certificate of the destination device.* 2


Use SSL Version

Set the SSL version to use.* 2

SSL3.0, TLS1.0, TLS1.1, TLS1.2

AD Auth. LDAP over SSL

Specify to use LDAP over SSL with Active Directory authentication.

AD Auth. LDAP over SSL

Enable, Invalid

AD Auth. LDAP over SSL Port No.

1 to 65535 (Default: 636)

Network Setting Clear

Return the Network Settings of this machine to the factory default.



Up to 253 one-byte characters including periods can be entered for the host name.

To enter 64 characters or more, you need to use periods (.) to separate the characters.


You can use the advanced settings in the Administrator Mode of Web Connection (for details, refer to Overview of [Security] Tab).